Member Announcement

16 March 2020

Dear Members
Following our advice of the cessation of carriage driving activities until 30 April 2020, Federal Council would like to put a process in place to deal with a number of questions that will be raised during the forthcoming period.
Any announcements during the cessation period will come from either the Federal Secretary or myself. The reason for having only two voices is to ensure that a consistent message is provided to all members.
To assist with this, if any members have questions, would they please email them to the Federal Secretary, Tom Dowling, on or me on Please do not post the questions on Facebook, send private messages or texts.
We will attempt to respond as quickly as possible but please understand some questions may result in policy decisions that need to include a Federal Convener and Federal Council in making a decision that can then be advised to all members.
When we publish responses to questions, they will be published on our ACDS Facebook page and ACDS Federal website.

Federal President

members announcement 16-03-2020