18 May 2020
Dear Members
Following on from the earlier questions that have been asked of Federal Council, additional questions have been asked.
The following are the questions and the responses:
Question Can social members attend rallies?
Response The ACDS does not have a social member category – this is a Club initiative. The answer is no unless they are necessary to the running of the rally. Social members of a club are not drivers.
Question I assume the total no of people attending would have to comply with restrictions in place at the time for public gatherings?
Response Please read under State government and medical authority’s public announcements. You must comply with public gatherings as dictated by your State.
Question I assume we can hold club meetings using the same guidelines?
Response Check your State government and medical authority’s public announcements. Federal Council believes the answer is no as this does not meet the social gathering “indoor” criteria.
Peter Lee
Federal President